Business Impacts and Considerations Amid Hurricane Season & COVID-19

Jun 15, 2020

With the above-normal hurricane predictions coupled with all businesses still coping with the reverberations of an ongoing worldwide pandemic, 2020 could see a hurricane season unlike any other. A new way of business continuity practice has emerged, and it is important for businesses to actively consider how this hurricane season will have a different impact on their people and operations.  

Workforce and Operational Impacts and Considerations  

Working from Home 

Remote work became and remains a pandemic response strategy for many companies  that are able to do so. Working from home has brought on many challenges for businesses, some expected and some unforeseen. New pitfalls will likely be revealed when working from home is coupled with other business interruptions, such as a hurricane. Here are some questions businesses will need to answer if their employees are working from home during a hurricane:  

  • What will you do if your employees are working from home in the path of a hurricane?  

  • Will your employees be able to continue work if their home is impacted?  

  • How will you know if your employees are safe?   

  • How will you communicate with employees and receive check-ins from them, on any device?  

  • What will you do in the event of an evacuation?  

  • What will happen if there is a power or internet outage?  

In the Office  

Many companies are actively returning to the office or creating a return-to-work plan for their employees as the  COVID-19 pandemic evolves. Among taking safety precautions related to COVID-19, businesses in hurricane prone areas should consider answering the following questions:  

  • What will you do if your office and homes are in the path of a hurricane?  

  • How will your employees continue work?  

  • How will you communicate with employees on office closures and openings?  

  • What will you do in the event of an evacuation?  

  • What will happen if there is a power or internet outage?  

  • Do you have another location or backup plan for temporary office space?  

  • Will your backup office space allow for social distancing?  


To help lessen operational impacts, businesses should look into how a hurricane and pandemic can impact supply chain, communications, power and more.

  • What will you do if your suppliers or partners are in an area of impact? 
  • Are your supplier’s operations impacted by COVID-19? 
  • If communications are down or if there is a power outage, how will you communicate with suppliers, partners or employees? 
  • In the event of a power outage, do you have a backup generator? 
  • Do you have a dedicated partner with access to power generators as they become scarce amid hurricanes and other disruptions? 

Steps to Resiliency

1. Plan

  • Create a holistic business continuity plan that accounts for pandemic and hurricane response strategies 
  • Incorporate lessons your business has learned from the pandemic - what went well and what did not 
  • Include how you will continue to operate in the event of a hurricane
  • Consider implementing emergency notification and crisis communication platforms to communicate quickly and effectively with your people and partners

2. Train

  • Train employees on best practices to prevent spread of viruses and what to do if an outbreak occurs or returns 
  • Train employees about what they should do before, during, and after a hurricane in the office and at home
  • Keep them informed on hurricane and pandemic updates 

3. Test


Business continuity has moved to the forefront the past several months while businesses coped with the COVID-19 and especially now with the added threat of an above-normal hurricane season. View our Hurricane Preparedness Webinar for more information on the 2020 outlook and COVID-19 impacts to help you update your business continuity plan and solutions to compensate for these recent market conditions.