Oil & Gas Company: Hurricane Recovery and Supporting the Community

Hurricane Ida hit the Louisiana coast in late August as a category 4 Atlantic hurricane. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Ida was the most damaging and intense hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana. Thirty-three people lost their lives in the state of Louisiana alone, most oil production along the Gulf Coast was shut down, and power outages resulting from the storm lasted for weeks.
Hurricane Ida is the sixth most expensive hurricane on record and the fourth most expensive in the U.S. It caused at least $65.2 billion in damages, with $18 billion as insured losses in Louisiana. Many Agility customers were impacted, and the Agility Recovery Services team helped more than 60 organizations and their communities as they activated their coverage due to Hurricane Ida and the earlier Tropical Storm Henri.
Hurricanes have impacts far beyond simple physical damage; they can knock essential services like oil refineries offline, causing a wave of problems that trickle down to every part of society. Oil and gas companies not only need backup power; they need backup power for their backup power.
After rarely having to use emergency backup generators, this oil and gas company – one of the largest in the U.S. – saw the largest disaster hit their refineries in decades. Hurricane Ida severely impacted two refineries on the Louisiana coast, knocking out power and limiting network communications. The refineries were directly supplying fuel and providing transportation efforts throughout the region including to local law enforcement, fire, and EMS. It was vital they remained online and operational.
Agility rapidly and simultaneously deployed eight generators ranging from 100kw to 2000kw, 1,950 feet of cabling, two fuel tanks, two satellite communications systems, multiple 4G LTE Cradlepoint devices, and computer equipment to ensure the refineries remained operational while the utility infrastructure was repaired and restored.
The company was able to continue with operations, providing fuel and other goods to the region. Additionally, they arranged for RVs, cots, food, and restroom facilities at the refineries for employees and their families to use in the event their homes were damaged or destroyed. Agility’s efforts contributed to powering those provisions.
Thanks to the Agility team’s performance, the company is confident in us as their long-term recovery provider. Agility stepped up to the plate and delivered when it mattered most.