Regional Bank: Getting a Community Back on Its Feet

Success Story


Hurricane Ida hit the Louisiana coast in late August as a category 4 Atlantic hurricane. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Ida was the most damaging and intense hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana. Thirty-three people lost their lives in the state of Louisiana alone, most oil production along the Gulf Coast was shut down, and power outages resulting from the storm lasted for weeks.

Hurricane Ida is the sixth most expensive hurricane on record and the fourth most expensive in the U.S. It caused at least $65.2 billion in damages, with $18 billion as insured losses in Louisiana. Many Agility customers were impacted, and the Agility Recovery Services team helped more than 60 organizations and their communities as they activated their coverage due to Hurricane Ida and the earlier Tropical Storm Henri. 

Hurricanes have impacts far beyond simple physical damage; a power outage can mean loss of connectivity. Without connectivity and active networks, people can’t use credit cards or use ATMs to buy food, water, tarps, and other essential supplies. If banks are down, the rest of the community can crumble.

Problem: Loss of Physical Space and Network

This bank outside of New Orleans had three branches located in an impacted area, one of which had its bulletproof glass blown out. At the same time as company leaders were trying to salvage their location and maintain continuity, they were also balancing a focus on their families’ safety and security. Many didn’t have the option to evacuate, and people were in panic mode. 

Along with resuming operations, the bank prioritized getting cash in hand to distribute cash advances to their community to start rebuilding roofs before the next rainfall.

Solution: Agility Recovery Services

After the bank activated their coverage, the Agility team set out from Georgia to Louisiana, encountering downed power lines, flat tires, and other road hazards along the way. 

When the Agility team reached the bank, they asked one simple question before beginning: What can we do to make this easier for you?

We're there for the customer, no matter what. We do this with pride.

Network Architect, Agility Recovery

During the site survey, Agility team members spent time not only assessing but also cleaning the site’s parking lot so that it would be safe to bring in a mobile banking center to resume operations.


With Agility’s help, the bank was able to fulfill its mission of securing cash advances for its community as well as get back up and running. Along with cleaning the parking lots and bringing in mobile units, the bank and Agility provided ice, food, and water to help support the community.