Tabletop Exercise

Earthquake Tabletop Exercise

Get the Tabletop Exercise
Download our Earthquake Tabletop Exercise to plan, prepare, and test your emergency preparedness plan.


Planning, testing, and preparing are critical in keeping your workforce safe and remaining your business lights on. Maintaining or quickly restoring business operations and other processes after an earthquake depend on how developed a company’s culture of preparedness is. Also, whether its management plans in advance and how it communicates with external partners. Everyone has a role in preparing for a disaster. All employers and organizations are fundamental elements of the community and can others to be more prepared.

Here's a piece of brief advice on how to successfully run a tabletop exercise, no matter the threat.

Before a tabletop exercise

A successful tabletop exercise should resemble the real world as closely as possible. This means choosing threats that are viable to the organization, as well as designing a scenario that includes realistic attacker behavior.

During a tabletop exercise

Make copies of your emergency response and business continuity plans and a whiteboard to track the progress. Before you begin, the moderator needs to review the objectives and scope of the exercise. Note that the crisis leader has the final say if there are conflicting opinions. It’s also important to keep track of time; the moderator needs to set time limits for each action item. 

After a tabletop exercise

After each exercise, it’s essential for the team to debrief and discuss any shortcomings in the response. They should also document what worked as well as what didn’t so the organization can identify vulnerabilities and missing links and work to patch and fill them. 


Download our Earthquake Tabletop Exercise to test your emergency preparedness plan.