TMone Call Center: Ensuring Job Security After Historic Snowstorm

In the town of Spearfish, South Dakota, TMone employs around 500 people in their call center. They specialize in customer relationship management, technology integration, inside sales, and customer service enterprise services. Each of their employees relies on TMone for steady work, and TMone’s customers experience severe consequences when operations are disrupted.
Snowfall records were broken in early winter when four feet accumulated over Spearfish. In less than 24 hours, the area experienced over one foot of snow. The roof of TMone’s office buckled under the weight and collapsed. The entire building, along with the equipment inside, was destroyed. Pictures of the damage were sent to employees, and the early sentiment was that the company might never recover.
We established contact with TMone and identified a vacant facility nearby that their employees could work from. We coordinated the shipment and delivery of essential office equipment for their workforce. They had access to work stations with computers, chairs, phones, servers, and a 4G LTE Internet connection.
After a historic blizzard, Agility restored the call center’s continuity before their customers felt the effects. And just as important, TMone ensured each of their hundreds of employees a reliable job.