
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): Back to the Basics

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Watch now for a webinar covering the importance of DRaaS.

Businesses are depending on software and computers more than ever before; they are they the backbone of operations. However, these systems are built from hundreds of building blocks that can break. Failed server components, bad application updates, ransomware, floods, and fires -- all of which are disasters -- have the potential to bring your business to its knees.

Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) does not suffer from these issues and brings much more to the table: the ability to bring operations back to production in minutes, backup testing automation, and the opportunity to leverage the on-demand nature of the cloud.

  • What is DRaaS?
  • Why DRaaS is important for businesses?
  • What is the difference between DRaaS and disaster recovery?
  • How is DRaaS different from traditional backup or backup as a service?
  • What is Infrascale backup & disaster recovery and what makes it unique?